One of the requirements of becoming an Educational Community Alliance Credit Union member is opening a share savings account. Share savings accounts are what credit unions call their basic savings accounts. Your share (savings) account serves as the foundation of your Educational Community Alliance Credit Union membership. You can open your share savings account with a minimum deposit of $5.00.
Deposits to your share savings account can be made in a variety of ways:
- Payroll deduction or direct deposit (if your employer provides such services)
- ATMs located in Ohio or contiguous states (if you choose to have our ATM Card or Debit Card linked to your account)
- Find an ATM
- Mail/Night drop (We are happy to process your deposit should you mail it to us.)
- In person (Of course, you can always stop by to make your deposit.)
Withdrawals from your share savings accounts can be made in alternative ways, too. Don’t have time to come to one of our offices for your money? Outside our normal business hours? No problem. Use your Educational Community Alliance Credit Union ATM Card or Debit Card. Or stop by one of the branches in our Shared Branching system to make your withdrawal. Watch below to learn more:
Accessing information about your share savings account is conveniently available 24/7 by using our Online Banking, and Mobile Banking – all free services available to Educational Community Alliance Credit Union members.
The bottom line is that having a savings account with Educational Community Alliance Credit Union just makes good cents… pardon our pun! To begin experiencing the advantages of Educational Community Alliance Credit Union membership, open your share savings account today!
- Each deposit account is insured up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). An additional $250,000 of insurance for each deposit account is provided by Excess Share Insurance (ESI), the leading provider of private deposit insurance in the United States.